cancer portals

TCGA Tumorscape is designed to facilitate the use and understanding of high resolution copy number data amassed from multiple cancer types (all generated through TCGA). It enables download and interactive viewing of cancer copy-number profiles across several dozen cancer types; gene-level queries to determine the rate and significance of...

User-friendly, web-based entry point to downloadable TCGA datasets, summary reports, and graphical tools.  FireBrowse sits atop TCGA GDAC Firehose, an application providing access to TCGA datasets and a robust selection of tools and pipelines for analyzing cancer genome data, as well as thousands of data analysis archives.

Project Achilles is a systematic effort aimed at identifying and cataloging genetic vulnerabilities across hundreds of genomically characterized cancer cell lines. The project uses a genome-wide shRNA library to silence individual genes and identify those genes that affect cell survival. Large-scale functional screening of cancer cell lines...

The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) project is an effort to conduct a detailed genetic characterization of a large panel of human cancer cell lines. The CCLE provides public access analysis and visualization of DNA copy number, mRNA expression, mutation data and more, for 1000 cancer cell lines. The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE)...

The Tumorscape portal facilitates the use and understanding of high resolution copy number data amassed from multiple cancer types. It supports gene-level analysis, analysis by cancer type, and the downloading/browsing of data.